Today today todaaaay!
Hari ini males pake bahasa inggris jadi ga usah aja ya. Duuuh aku deg degan sekaliii hari ini ada konser piano di YPM nanti jam 2. Gue main "A reflection of Love". Doain gue semoga main nya lancar dan ga ada yang salah yaaa amin. Btw, agak kecewa karna yang lain pada gabisa nonton gitu tp yaaa........ yaudah lah lanjut aja~ yang penting mereka udah ngasih semangat kok. Makasih ya semuaa ♥ youu
So Recommended!
Your Smile-Soulvibe
Telah kucoba melupakanmu
Namun bayangmu terus menggangguku
Ingin kulari dari kenyataan yang slalu saja meresahkanku
Adakah cara tuk hilang dari mu
Karna ku tahu kau bukan milikku
Ingin kulari dari kenyataan yg slalu saja meresahkanku
Everytime I see you smile, laugh and cry
I can't get you out of my mind girl
I don't know to do
Don't you know that everytime
I see your smile
There's a part of me
I can't deny
Telah kucoba melupakanmu
Namun bayangmu terus menggangguku
Ingin kulari dari kenyataan yang slalu saja meresahkanku
Adakah cara tuk hilang dari mu
Karna ku tahu kau bukan milikku
Ingin kulari dari kenyataan yg slalu saja meresahkanku
Everytime I see you smile, laugh and cry
I can't get you out of my mind girl
I don't know to do
Don't you know that everytime
I see your smile
There's a part of me
I can't deny
Music in your soul.
Hello! Since I am now a highschooler, I'm joinin the Band club. Me and my friends plan to choose the genre of Jazz. We're all 8 person I guess. I'm takin as a keyboard, Kika and Maria as singers, Yessy as melody keyboard, Mali manager, and the other are boys but I dont even know their names hahaha. Hmm we still dont know what song to play, but I really really want to perform Soulvibe-Biarlah (hapuslah cinta), Maliq and d'essentials and other jazz song. Aaah I cant wait to play em! and while I was browsin websites, I found these picts and I love em since I found em. They're just like our band (in my imagination) but I can't find the drum :(
Mali, manager
Kika & Maria, singer
The boys, guitar
And me, keyboard
What's hot right now
Paris Fashion Week: BALMAIN
Milan Fashion Week: GUCCI
GUCCI is a very famous label. I have no doubt bout it. I think the one at the very right side is now the new trend too. Male-Female clothes which is a male clothes but can be woren by female. You should try on.
Trend Alert: Zipper!
I miss my 20 :(
I miss these people:
Nathia my bestest friend, know me the best, and the most 'easy' person I've ever met.
Indira my close friend, sat behind me, kinda funny, like to gossip bout others.
Nana granny next door, the most generous and wise girl, can talk anything to her.
Marchsya friend next door, my neighbour, crazy bout panic at the disco, dhea's soulmate.
Dhea friend next door, she don't really care bout others say the same as marchsya.
Milla friend next door, always enthusiastic to come to my house, a model.
Wiena friend next door, my 70 friend, kind and nice, her face always smiling I dont know why.
Yova friend next door, very quite, but has a golden voice, and now have lived in KL.
Maggie friend next door, now in 8 high school, love to read novels, imaginative.
Aya classmate, wears jilbab, looks 'alim' but.........haha, but superrrrr kind, and fun.
Riris friend next door, tall and skinny, her favorite songs are cool, likes to 'jahilin' temen.
Indira my close friend, sat behind me, kinda funny, like to gossip bout others.
Nana granny next door, the most generous and wise girl, can talk anything to her.
Marchsya friend next door, my neighbour, crazy bout panic at the disco, dhea's soulmate.
Dhea friend next door, she don't really care bout others say the same as marchsya.
Milla friend next door, always enthusiastic to come to my house, a model.
Wiena friend next door, my 70 friend, kind and nice, her face always smiling I dont know why.
Yova friend next door, very quite, but has a golden voice, and now have lived in KL.
Maggie friend next door, now in 8 high school, love to read novels, imaginative.
Aya classmate, wears jilbab, looks 'alim' but.........haha, but superrrrr kind, and fun.
Riris friend next door, tall and skinny, her favorite songs are cool, likes to 'jahilin' temen.
I love & Miss you, guys
"Dad, Thank You."
Thank you for the laughter,
For the good times that we share,
Thanks for always listening,
For trying to be fair.
Thank you for your comfort,
When things are going bad,
Thank you for the shoulder,
To cry on when I'm sad.
This poem is a reminder that
All my life through,
I'll be thanking Heaven
For a Special Dad like you."
Happy Father's day
a father will do anything for his children.
until his time....
thank you dad ♥
Lately, I know that I've dissapointed you dad. You told me, you saw me, you hugged me with all your love. Everyday you works hard to give the best for your family, to me. You just want the best for me. So you always reminded me to study. But I couldn't go to high school that you want me in. But I promise you dad, I will be the best, I'll give what you've given to me. Love you.
And I know this website from my friend, Nana. It made me cry a lot. Have to see "My Lovely Daughter"
And I know this website from my friend, Nana. It made me cry a lot. Have to see "My Lovely Daughter"
New Gadget
Check out my new ipod! at the bottom there
and if you're a Harry Potter movies freak, have to check this web too!
Oh my god, tai ah nih. Masa pas gue lagi sendirian di kamar di atas, ada yang nangis? aaaah tai ah lo! norak tau gak kalo nangis ga usah lebay juga. Sumpah itu suaranya dari jendela luar berkali-kali gue udah baca Al-fatihah aja dari tadi. Lo bayangin deh sendirian dikamar udah mau tidur terus ada yang nangis ga lucu kan? gue ga berani tidur juga soalnya laptopnya harus di taroh di meja dan itu arahnya ada di belakang gue deket suara itu. Akhirnya untuuung aja masih ada yang online. Akhirnya gue chat sama temen gueee yang baik dan cantik bernama VITRI.
Gue ceritain semuanya sama dia trus malah jadi merinding berdua haha. Buat ngilangin kesunyian akhirnya gue dengerin itunes yang lagunya keras gitu. EEEH si itunya udah ga nangis lagi. Tailah malah makin deg-degan gue. Gabisa gerak sama sekali dari tempat tidur. Akhirnya sampe sekarang gabisa tidur dan malah ngepost hihi. Sampe akhirnya baru tidur jam 3.
Gue ceritain semuanya sama dia trus malah jadi merinding berdua haha. Buat ngilangin kesunyian akhirnya gue dengerin itunes yang lagunya keras gitu. EEEH si itunya udah ga nangis lagi. Tailah malah makin deg-degan gue. Gabisa gerak sama sekali dari tempat tidur. Akhirnya sampe sekarang gabisa tidur dan malah ngepost hihi. Sampe akhirnya baru tidur jam 3.
Gue cerita ke nyokap gue, bukannya bikin anaknya tenang gitu ya ini malah bikin parno. Masa katanya dulu siskamling komplek gue, lagi ronda. Trus mereka pada denger ada suara nangis atau apa gitu dari atas rumah gue katanya deket pohonnya gitu. Daaan pohon itu menjulang sampe kamar gue. Ha ha lucu. Dan malem ini gue gamau tidur di atas. Yah gue sih berharap itu cuma halusinasi aja mungkin ada orang yang emang lagi nangis. Dan itu tentunya bakal jadi malam yang tidak akan terlupakan. Bye!
Quote of mine
Everyone knows that
Outside and inside
Just like a paper plane
Which could fly easily by the wind
Oh wait.....or maybe i'm the wind
Which has nothing to do
Just follow its destiny
I am nowhere
Gotta nowhere
Always be nowhere
Uh lucky me to be pathetic..."
Outside and inside
Just like a paper plane
Which could fly easily by the wind
Oh wait.....or maybe i'm the wind
Which has nothing to do
Just follow its destiny
I am nowhere
Gotta nowhere
Always be nowhere
Uh lucky me to be pathetic..."
I'm in a badmood now
I always be forced to play a piano song which i can't
until now, it's so annoying
and tomorrow i have a piano course
I always be forced to play a piano song which i can't
until now, it's so annoying
and tomorrow i have a piano course
Polyvore Winners Round 2
Congratulations all of you! thanks for submitting your sets, they're amazing. These are the winners from "Celebs Outfits" contest:
1st Winner
This one's the most similar outfit with the one in the picture. We could see that she use the same dress with the one that Lauren Conrad's wearing. And it looks so fabulous. I love it
2nd Winner
The one who made this, was the 1st winner from the first contest, you can see it below. Well, the dress looks just same as Miley Cyrus' dress. The dress so glamour and the shoes just got well together. Perfect match
3rd Winner
And this one, i really love the glittery jacket which Whitney Port's wearing. It looks fantastic and i just love it. She made this so simple but looks really fab. Although the bag isn't the same but it still goes well with all of em. Great
4rd Winner
I'm sorry for the 4rd and 5th winner, because your sets couldn't appear as the winners on the contest but the fact, i made the settings for 5 winners. I don't know why. But still your sets appear on my blog now :D
This one is match perfectly with Blair Waldorf's outfit. Wow the outwear, skirt, etc. Oh and the bag looks the same with the picture. Love it
5th winner
This set is so adorable. I like the picture, especially Taylor Momsen i love her style. The vest, skirt and everything on it. Great job
Oh God thanks to You. Alhamdulillah I won this polyvore contest, for the first time. I'm so happy and can't stop shouting at the first time. I won a contest which was titled "let's party" from Fashion Under Renovation group. Although it's just 2nd place but i am happy, really. These are the winners:
1st winner
2nd winner, it's me! haha
3rd winner
Polyvore Winners!
These are the winners from my contest group with the title "Batik" congrats you all!
2nd winner
3rd winner
Harpitnas on the-go-go
Hello peeps, how are ya all? Wow it's very hard to make this post. Too many pics make it hard to be arranged. Btw, I didn't go to school today cause today is a harpitnas. Harpitnas means "Hari Kejepit Nasional" which is means the day between holiday and holiday.
This morning I woke up at 10 am and played with Marchsya in the afternoon. She came to my house at 11 am and then we went to Bintaro Plaza with my sister, brother, and my sister's boyfriend but we ran out of tickets so we moved to Pondok Indah Mall. It was full of people there. Me and Marchsya was spinnin around when the other still searching for the parking area. Finally we found the ticket at 3 pm and we watch "Angels & Demons". The movie was very cool, full of mistery, and end with a happy ending haha. But i'm not in the mood to tell the details so better watch the movie yourself hihihi
The fun part
They're tryin to find the mistery and the bomb
They finally found the bomb, and this is the last part
They finally found the bomb, and this is the last part
Fashion part I
First of all, I wanna suggest you to my favorite website. It called Polyvore! It gives me many inspirations about fashion. And we can communicate with other people around the world just by creating a set. The most exciting part of it, we can get trophies from the contests that we entered. And we could create a contest too :D by making a group. Take a look
My profile
One of my set
Complicated and Boring day
Hari ini aku lagi pusing, bosen dan deg-degan banget. Pusing karna besok sampe minggu ada acara terus. Walaupun hari ini libur, tapi besok tetep masuk bahkan ada ulangan Math sama PKN. Trus sabtu minggu ada try out di sekolah padahal ada tes labsky juga, huh. Dan padahal, rencananya hari ini sampe minggu mau bareng2 sama keluarga di apertemen. Tapi keanya aku ga ikut dan harus stay di rumah sendirian, fine.
Bosen karena sekarang ga ada kerjaan. Oh iya hari ini adekku, Reino ulang taun yang ke-13. Mungkin nanti malem mau makan bareng, yeay :3 tapi sekarang aku udah disuruh nyicil belajar buat hari jumatnya, huff
Deg2an karena aku takut nilainya jelek hari jumat dan deg2an aja sama tes labsky keanya bakal susah deh :'(( semoga aku diterima deh amin hehe
Tapi sekarang, daripada pusing2 mikirin begituan, mendingan ngomongin hal lain yang at least, bisa menghilangkan perasaan2 ga enak itu hehe. Kemaren2 aku baca novel yang judulnya "All-American Girl" bikinan Meg Cabot dan itu satu2nya novel yang bisa aku baca karna aku ga suka baca novel sebenernya, bahkan Twilight sekalipun. Ceritanya bener2 seru banget dan aku langsung ngebayangin filmnya (keanya bakal bagus). Aku suka banget sama pemikirannya si Samantha Madison (tokoh utama) yang bener2 peduli banget sama lingkungan dan kesenian. Ada juga David yang punya sifat mendekati perfect buat seorang cowok. Ceritanya gampang dicerna tapi ga ngebosenin dan real banget. Pokoknya harus baca hehe.
Hmm ngomongin cowok, gue lagi suka banget sama orang2 ini. Menurut gue mereka punya suatu kharisma yang gimana gitu hehehe. Yaitu:
Dylan & Cole Sprouse
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