
"Dad, Thank You."

Thank you for the laughter,

For the good times that we share,
Thanks for always listening,
For trying to be fair.

Thank you for your comfort,

When things are going bad,
Thank you for the shoulder,
To cry on when I'm sad.

This poem is a reminder that

All my life through,
I'll be thanking Heaven
For a Special Dad like you."

Happy Father's day

a father will do anything for his children.
until his time....

thank you dad ♥

Lately, I know that I've dissapointed you dad. You told me, you saw me, you hugged me with all your love. Everyday you works hard to give the best for your family, to me. You just want the best for me. So you always reminded me to study. But I couldn't go to high school that you want me in. But I promise you dad, I will be the best, I'll give what you've given to me. Love you.
And I know this website from my friend, Nana. It made me cry a lot. Have to see "My Lovely Daughter"

New Gadget

Check out my new ipod!
at the bottom there
and if you're a Harry Potter movies freak, have to check this web too!



Graduation with tears

Yeah Alhamdulillah we're graduated now.



Oh my god, tai ah nih. Masa pas gue lagi sendirian di kamar di atas, ada yang nangis? aaaah tai ah lo! norak tau gak kalo nangis ga usah lebay juga. Sumpah itu suaranya dari jendela luar berkali-kali gue udah baca Al-fatihah aja dari tadi. Lo bayangin deh sendirian dikamar udah mau tidur terus ada yang nangis ga lucu kan? gue ga berani tidur juga soalnya laptopnya harus di taroh di meja dan itu arahnya ada di belakang gue deket suara itu. Akhirnya untuuung aja masih ada yang online. Akhirnya gue chat sama temen gueee yang baik dan cantik bernama VITRI.

Gue ceritain semuanya sama dia trus malah jadi merinding berdua haha. Buat ngilangin kesunyian akhirnya gue dengerin itunes yang lagunya keras gitu. EEEH si itunya udah ga nangis lagi. Tailah malah makin deg-degan gue. Gabisa gerak sama sekali dari tempat tidur. Akhirnya sampe sekarang gabisa tidur dan malah ngepost hihi. Sampe akhirnya baru tidur jam 3.
Gue cerita ke nyokap gue, bukannya bikin anaknya tenang gitu ya ini malah bikin parno. Masa katanya dulu siskamling komplek gue, lagi ronda. Trus mereka pada denger ada suara nangis atau apa gitu dari atas rumah gue katanya deket pohonnya gitu. Daaan pohon itu menjulang sampe kamar gue. Ha ha lucu. Dan malem ini gue gamau tidur di atas. Yah gue sih berharap itu cuma halusinasi aja mungkin ada orang yang emang lagi nangis. Dan itu tentunya bakal jadi malam yang tidak akan terlupakan. Bye!


Quote of mine

"Yeah, i'm weak, i know
Everyone knows that
Outside and inside
Just like a paper plane
Which could fly easily by the wind
Oh wait.....or maybe i'm the wind
Which has nothing to do
Just follow its destiny
I am nowhere
Gotta nowhere
Always be nowhere
Uh lucky me to be pathetic..."



David Lambert from Aaron Stone
He's hot



I'm in a badmood now

I always be forced to play a piano song which i can't
until now, it's so annoying
and tomorrow i have a piano course


Polyvore Winners Round 2

Congratulations all of you! thanks for submitting your sets, they're amazing. These are the winners from "Celebs Outfits" contest:

1st Winner

This one's the most similar outfit with the one in the picture. We could see that she use the same dress with the one that Lauren Conrad's wearing. And it looks so fabulous. I love it

2nd Winner

The one who made this, was the 1st winner from the first contest, you can see it below. Well, the dress looks just same as Miley Cyrus' dress. The dress so glamour and the shoes just got well together. Perfect match

3rd Winner

And this one, i really love the glittery jacket which Whitney Port's wearing. It looks fantastic and i just love it. She made this so simple but looks really fab. Although the bag isn't the same but it still goes well with all of em. Great

4rd Winner

I'm sorry for the 4rd and 5th winner, because your sets couldn't appear as the winners on the contest but the fact, i made the settings for 5 winners. I don't know why. But still your sets appear on my blog now :D

This one is match perfectly with Blair Waldorf's outfit. Wow the outwear, skirt, etc. Oh and the bag looks the same with the picture. Love it

5th winner

This set is so adorable. I like the picture, especially Taylor Momsen i love her style. The vest, skirt and everything on it. Great job